Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information.

Curriculum Information  »  Early Years

Throughout the Foundation Stage we offer learning opportunities through extended play. The value of that play is seen as integral in our holistic approach to child development. Relevant and well thought out provision ensures that children’s early experiences are of the highest quality. This is crucial in embedding deep concepts, skills and attitudes. 

Communication and Language, along with Personal, Social and Emotional Development are our main drivers and it is upon these that all of our planning is built. The learning experiences and opportunities are planned for our children to engage in a combination of self-driven, independent and adult led activities and purposeful play. 

We acknowledge and value the contribution that our families bring to each child’s experiences and an understanding of each child’s cultural capital is important for us to extend their developing mind and world.

We provide children with the opportunity to grow and build positive relations with adults and peers. High quality teaching and guidance is paramount in developing children to become independent thinkers who are confident in their ability to solve problems. We have high aspirations for our children and believe that the positive attitudes that are fostered in Early Years can be transferred through to their adult lives and is an important part in their holistic education.  

In our Early Years environment, we believe that all children can develop a sense of self believe and confidence that gives them a strong desire to gain skills and knowledge through perseverance. 

We endeavour to ensure that by the time our children leave Reception they are confident, independent problem-solvers, thinkers and story makers, who have been able to make progress in all areas of the Early Years Curriculum. We provide a wide variety of learning experiences, some child-led, some adult facilitated / led and equip the children with the range of skill necessary to help them navigate their way through both their exploration and the more formal learning in preparation for Year 1. 

The staff in Early Years play a vital role in ensuring they:

  • Build strong and meaningful relationships with the children
  • Model the enjoyment and sharing of the learning process.
  • Extend child’s skills through the experiences we offer and those which the children encounter whilst being involved in their independent play. 
  • Teach / show children new skill to help them to be independent. Children will carry these skills through life.
  • Spend time with children - this is not just valuable, it is crucial. 
  • Facilitate learning experiences so that children are able to think and problem solve for themselves
EYFS Intent Statement
EYFS - Long Term Progression Plan