Parents and Carers » School Meals & Lunch Time
We encourage pupils to have school dinners which are very nutritional and good value for money. Current prices are £2.75 per day (£13.75 per week) for Year 3, 4, 5 and 6. Reception,Year 1 and 2 are entitled to receive universal free school meals.
Dinner money should be paid weekly in advance each Monday and sent to school in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.
Some children are eligible for free school meals. Parents who think that they may be entitled should contact the Leeds Benefit Office on 0113 2224404.
If you wish your child to bring a packed lunch, please pack it in a small container with your child’s name clearly marked on the outside. Water is provided in the dining room for all pupils. Fruit drinks,chocolate bars and sweets are not permitted.
Dinner money should be paid weekly in advance each Monday and sent to school in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.
Some children are eligible for free school meals. Parents who think that they may be entitled should contact the Leeds Benefit Office on 0113 2224404.
If you wish your child to bring a packed lunch, please pack it in a small container with your child’s name clearly marked on the outside. Water is provided in the dining room for all pupils. Fruit drinks,chocolate bars and sweets are not permitted.
Healthy Lunch Box
At Stanningley Primary School we follow Government guidance and the School Food Standards in promoting healthy choices for children at lunchtimes. Please see our Healthy Lunchbox Policy for guidance on what to include in your child's lunchbox here. Please also see the NHS Change For Life link here:
Milk, Water & Snacks
A carton of milk is available each day for all children in school. This is free for the Nursery Class and for children in receipt of free school meals in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We ask for a small contribution of £20.00 per year towards the cost from everyone else, payable at the start of each school year.
Every child has access to water during the school day. This is vital for hydration and to aid concentration levels. Children in Early Years and Key Stage One receive a FREE piece of fruit every day. Children can also bring fruit from home for playtime snacks. There is also a healthy food tuck shop where children can buy fruit at break time (20p each).
A carton of milk is available each day for all children in school. This is free for the Nursery Class and for children in receipt of free school meals in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We ask for a small contribution of £20.00 per year towards the cost from everyone else, payable at the start of each school year.
Every child has access to water during the school day. This is vital for hydration and to aid concentration levels. Children in Early Years and Key Stage One receive a FREE piece of fruit every day. Children can also bring fruit from home for playtime snacks. There is also a healthy food tuck shop where children can buy fruit at break time (20p each).