Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information. 

Children  »  Internet Safety

E Safety
 It is very important to be safe and sensible on the internet.

Click here for the kidsmart website.

“The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin” eBook, supporting video, lesson plan and fun activities
Digiduck’s Big Decision” eBook
Captain Cara and Winstons SMART adventure
Click here to visit the think u know website.
Lee and Kim and Hectors World
Cyber Cafe
Click here to learn about esafety with cbbc.
Zip it! Block it! Flag it!
What are the SMART rules?
Click on the link to find out.