Children » Class Pages 2024 - 25 » Year 3 Class Page » Archive » Year 3 Class Archive 2021-2022
Year 3 had so much fun on their trip to the seaside! They played in the sand, got very wet when paddling in the water and even had to keep the pesky seagulls away at lunchtime! What a great day they all had!
What a fantastic day we had in the sunshine for Sports Day this year! All the children did so well!
The children created background washes for their seaside paintings using watercolours. Look at the amazing work completed so far!
The children took part in a sky Arts workshop which looked at how to incorporate movement into learning. The children had lots of fun taking part in the games and activities!
Look at our amazing bags that we planned, designed, made and evaluated to celebrate the Queens Jubilee!
In Class 3 we had a few children audition for the S Factor and here are our entrants, including the SPS 2nd place winner Freddie!
We used the water colour paints to create our own artwork in the style of William Turner
We experimented using food colouring in water to try and change a white and a red are the results! It actually worked! We had blue and purple flowers by the end!
Mr Carney set us all a challenge of trying to create a skeleton in groups using dog biscuits!
Class 3 created moving Easter cards as part of a short DT project. Some of us found this tricky but by the end we had all succeeded! Here are the designs!
Here are the children learning all about the effects of smoking and how it impacts on the body...
Chris visited our school to discuss his book the Iron Man which he illustrated and some of us even got to meet him personally!
We were lucky enough to be visited by the Mayor of West Yorkshire to discuss the environment and how we can save it!
We enjoyed getting into our pyjamas for our class treat movie morning, where we got to watch the movie The Prince of Egypt!
The children in Class 3 have been making their own globes using paper mache. They have done a super job and here you can see the various stages that went into making them.
Children finding out all about how magnets works and which items in the classroom are magnetic...
We have been learning about MC Escher in Art this year and here are some of the pieces the children have created in his style.
Here are the children in Y3 creating their own ramps to roll a marble down on different surfaces to see which allows it travel the furthest...
Look at how much fun we had on our scooter training session! This was a fantastic morning - we all had so much fun!
Having enjoyed listening to Mr Carney read us the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, as part of our big treat we got to take part in some fun activities linked to the story. Mr Carney dressed up as Willy Wonka whilst we designed a new sweet, completed some puzzles and got to watch the film and enjoy some tasty snacks!
We got to explore the soil in the school playground - lets just say we got a little bit messy!!