Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 3 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019/20


Unfortunately we are not able to complete lots of fun learning at school but that doesn't mean it has to stop! You should all have plenty to be getting on with using the resources you can access on the website. If you would like to show everyone what you have been doing at home then please send your photos to and I will post them here.

World Book Day - 5.3.20

Everyone looked AMAZING in their World Book Day costumes today.


We have been using maps to discover the locations of countries across the northern and southern hemispheres and within Europe. We have learnt about lines of latitude such as the Equator and the tropics and how lines of longitude help us keep track of time around the world. We learnt 8 points of the compass and used them to locate other countries and cities. We now know where we live and should be able to find where we live on a map. Ask us to show you!

Design Technology / Science

As part of our science topic on light, we followed instructions to make our very own torches. We had to choose the right equipment, follow instructions very carefully and communicate well with our partners. Our torches were battery powered and could be turned on and off with a switch. We then used them to make and explore shadows.

A Special Christmas Visitor

We were very lucky to have a visit from a VERY SPECIAL visitor this afternoon during our Christmas Party. Santa came to visit & brought a gift for everyone!

Christmas Party

Lots of fun & laughter was had by all this afternoon during our Year 3 class Christmas Party.

Christmas Preformance

'I'm Gonna Shine!' Class 3 joined with Class 4 today & the children performed their Christmas Nativity Production of " Im Gonna Shine!" Everyone has worked so hard learning their lines & practicing the songs for the show. They really did "SHINE" today!

Science - Chemistry - Soil

We have been exploring what soil is made of today. We have found out that it is made from rocks and organic matter. We even found a few worms!

Art / History - Cave Painting

A cave man showed us to a cave he had found this afternoon. We decorated the walls with our own cave paintings of animals and hunt scenes. We also left our hand print marks to show we had been there.

PE : Making shapes

We have been working on making different shapes and balances. Today we were putting the shapes in sequences to music and including a counter balance. This is where we supported each others weight in a balance.

Children In Need - Pudsey Bear

We were raising money today by dressing in bright colours. We even had a special visitor!

RE Year 3 Synagogue Trip

Year Three had a very enjoyable and informative trip to the United Hebrew Congregation in Shadwell. We were shown around the different parts of the synagogue and learnt lots about what happens there and why.

History - Stone Age Timeline and beyond.

We went back in time. Way back. All the way back to the beginning of our ancestors. Our time line scale was 1 cm = 500 years. Unfortunately it did not fit inside the classroom so we had to walk 20 meters to get to the time humans appeared in Britain. A further 5 meters to get to where our direct ancestors - Homo Sapiens appeared in the planet. We had to walk 80 meters along our timeline to get to the time that Lucy - the first upright ape was supposed to have lived. To get the beginning of the dinosaurs walking the earth we would have had to go to the Vue cinema in Kirkstall [ dinosaurs became extinct at Bramley Fall Woods!]. The beginning of time would have been around Nottingham! A long long time ago!

Scooter Training

After being postponed due to one very wet day, we had another wet day. Still, the children were fantastic and learned lots about being safe when riding scooters near roads.

Colin and Julie: Rosa Parks

Colin and Julie have been helping us with our Black History learning. They have helped us learn more about this incredible woman through dance, drama and poetry. We hope you enjoyed watching our performance.

Class Council Voting

This week we have been writing and presenting out school council speeches. Today we voted for our class councilors. We filled out our ballot papers in secret. We folded them up and put them in the ballot box.

Spanish Lessons

Year 3 are doing great with their new Spanish lessons. Today we have been learning introductions. They can now say hello. good morning,afternoon,night and good bye. Ask them to tell you what they are!

Safety Week

We had a visit from the Road Safety team this week who came to speak to us about wearing seat-belts. They told us why we should wear them, the dangers of not wearing them and what else we can do to be safe in the car. We now know that we need to use a booster seat until we are at least 135 cm tall and it is the law for all passengers to wear a seat-belt.

Safety Week

As part of Safety Week, we became Safety Inspectors and went looking for hazards. We managed to spot lots, thinking about when and why they would be dangerous and, more importantly, how to avoid them.


Here are some pictures of our first PE lesson in year 3. Luckily the sun was shining - long may that continue!

Class Contract

We have spent some time thinking about rules for our classroom. We came up with our mission statement - the ways in which we will be safe, help our learning and be respectful. Once we were happy with our choices we signed the contract to show we agree with it and will do our best to follow our own guidelines.