Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 5 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Archive 2019/20

World Book Day!
Colin and Julie Workshop

The children took part in a drama workshop based around the Shakespeare play `Romeo and Juliet`. They put on an amazing performance for the staff and parents!

Computing - Databases

Here are the children working on their new computing topic `databases`. They had to correctly answer a set of questions using a collection of data - they did a really good job at this!

Jorvik Viking Centre - York Trip

Class 5 were lucky enough to visit the Jorvik Viking Centre in York as part of their History learning. They spent the morning exploring the museum and then took part in a Viking saga workshop in the afternoon! They learnt so much and had a fantastic time!

Romeo and Juliet - Drama Workshop

The children began looking at William Shakespeare this week and had to translate the prologue into modern English. They did really well tackling this task!

Science - Irreversible Changes

Today we looked at what happened to ivory soap when it went into a microwave and also completed the very exciting `elephant toothpaste` experiment using hydrogen peroxide and dried yeast! What a great lesson this was!


The children in Class 5 used watercolours to paint images of various landscapes

Science - Materials

We carried out a comparative test to see which ball was the bounciest from a selection we were given. We also looked at whether the ball which bounced the highest was also the one which continued to bounce for the longest and then compared our results with one another in a class discussion.

Cooking in the Curriculum
Geography - How are mountains made?

Class 5 looked at how mountains are formed as part of their Geography topic looking at The Alps. They used pieces of Plasticine in a sand tray to represent the Earths plates and showed what happens when the tectonic plates collide.


In Class 5 this half term we have been looking at sketching some self portraits and here is what we have created so far! I hope you are impressed!

Design Technology

This term we are continuing to design and create our very own money containers for our upcoming visit to the Jorvik Viking Centre - have a look at our work so far!

Geography - How is our local area changing?

The children went out into the local area with a clipboard to make notes on and an IPAD trying to find evidence of change. They used their old Victorian map of the area to see what is still there today and what has now been replaced with something else. This helped them to learn a little bit more about the area in which they live and covered some excellent fieldwork objectives!


Here are the first Kente cloth designs the children have created! The next job is to add colour to our design, before we get on to printing and painting!

Colin and Julie Workshop

Here we all are enjoying our Black History workshop with Colin and Julie! We put on a super performance at the end of the day!

Science - Friction

In another investigation we used force metres to see how hard it was to move a trainer across a range of surfaces. We wanted to see which would be the smoother surface and have less of a grip! The children had lots of fun taking part in this experiment.

Science - Forces

Class 5 designed a range of parachutes using different materials to see which would be the best in bringing the parachute down the slowest. We discovered that air resistance had a huge impact on how fast/slow our parachutes came down!

School Council Elections

Class 5 are making their very important votes on the ballot paper and waiting to see who will be in the School Council!

Class Picture

Welcome to Class 5! We look forward to spending the new year tackling all of the learning that awaits us!